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2020 Healthcare Awareness & Recognition Calendar

Umbrellas are one of the most popular promotional items for healthcare programs, thanks to their high perceived value, effectiveness in getting the message out to the community as people use them and everyone appreciating them as gifts.

Nurses Week and Hospital Week in May and Breast Cancer Awareness in October are just three of the many BIG events for promotional gift-giving! Below are some the key days, weeks and months set aside to raise awareness or recognize healthcare conditions and people working in the industry. NOTE: There are even more healthcare holidays, but we chose these as the most prominent. Some dates change per year, others remain constant.

StrombergBrand carries dozens of styles perfect for healthcare holidays and events. We’ll highlight a few here but check out our website for the entire product line!



January Weeks to note:

January Days to note:


February Weeks to note:

February Days to note:


March Weeks to note:

March Days to note:


April Weeks to note:

April Days to note:


May Weeks to note:


June Weeks to note:

June Days to note:


July Weeks to note:

July Days to note:


August Weeks to note:

August Days to note:


September Weeks to note:

September Days to note:

Sept. 13: National Grandparents Day


October Weeks to note:

October Days to note:


November Weeks to note:

November Days to note:


December Weeks to note:

December Days to note:


75th Anniversary / 2
New For 2017 / 2
New For 2018 / 2
Umbrella Facts / 4
Awards / 1
General Information / 15
New For 2019 / 1
New For 2020 / 4
Holiday Gift-Giving / 1
December 2016 / 1
January 2017 / 2
July 2017 / 1
January 2018 / 2
February 2018 / 2
May 2018 / 1
August 2018 / 1
December 2018 / 1
March 2019 / 1
September 2019 / 1
January 2020 / 1
February 2020 / 2
March 2020 / 1
May 2020 / 1
September 2020 / 1
October 2020 / 1
February 2021 / 1
March 2021 / 1
February 2022 / 1
August 2022 / 1
September 2022 / 1
January 2023 / 1
April 2023 / 2
December 2023 / 1
January 2024 / 1
February 2024 / 1
May 2024 / 1